Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Welcome to my first post!! I am not much for small talk so let's get right to it, shall we?

Tonight I'm working with some shrink film (what us old foagies remember as Shrinky Dinks). I bought some clear shrink film about a week and a half ago to try out and quickly realized that the clear stuff was a total pain in the butt to work with. Especially for what I am doing with it (jewelry and accessories). So today I finally picked up some opaque white shrink film. MUCH much better for me.

Of course my first instinct was to draw something Dr. Who related because of reasons.

I like these little Daleks, they're not correct, strictly speaking, but they're cute and fat and diabolical.

I intended for them to be earrings so I doodled them up with some Sharpie markers. Then I baked my cute little Dalek friends only to find out a few things. 1 - They're way too big for earrings. 2 - The ink gets darker when it cooks. Oops. Oh well, this is a learning experience! So I made a couple hair clips.

And I love them so much that I'm keeping one. The other will either go in my shop or I'll save it for the Craftmas show.

Next experiment is of course TARDIS earrings. I mean, what else? Of course, as often happens, I got wrapped up in ~art~ of it all and didn't take progress photos but I drew 4 baby TARDISes (TARDI?) and filled them in with dark blue ink totally forgetting that the ink gets even darker after baking. This is no longer learning, it's become something else.

Glue is drying and I'm blogging. Hopefully they don't fall apart.

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