Saturday, December 3, 2011


Craftmas has come and gone and it was just wonderful! It was so excellent meeting some more Rochester artists and finally getting to meet some RNEST members. Everybody was so lovely.

Friday was a bit slow and I didn't make any sales until the last 15 minutes of the night. I had high hopes but low expectations so I wasn't discouraged. But today was a total turn around! I sold consistently through the day and did a bit more socializing. So I'd say for my first show it was a success. And you know, the whole thing was really a great learning experience. I know what works now and what doesn't, I know more about pricing and what people are willing to spend on what items. And I learned a lot from the other artists there about presentation and that's something I will definitely be working on. Can't wait for the next one!

Next order of business, on Monday, is getting all the surplus items I made for the show into the shop! I have a good amount of earrings left, lots of hairclips including the Dalek ones, and Catmas cards will be reduced in price! Plus a few new buttons! Keep an eye out for that update, should be coming early next week.

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